Global plot of SST

Mapping Eastern boundry upwelling Coastal upwelling is a major oceanographic process driven by prominent currents near Eastern Boundary Upwelling Systems (EBUS) (Bakun and Nelson, 1991; MessiƩ et al., 2009; Gruber et al.

4 - Wind and Wave Data

In order to compare abiotic variables such as wind and wave action along the South African coastline, large historical datasets for temperature, wave and wind were analysed and accessed.

2 - Clustering and plotting

Welcome back! I hope that the first blog was useful for its scientific insight and adding to your coding and plotting skills. The intention of this blogs is to show the approach and R scripts used to analyse the possible reasons for temperature variation between sites within the same cluster along the coast of South Africa and the controlling influences of temperatures within coastal zones.

3 - Basic analyses and interpretation

Welcome back! I hope that the previous blogs were useful for its scientific insight and for enhancing your programming skills. The intention of this blogs is to show the approach and R scripts used to analyse the possible reasons for temperature variation between sites within the same cluster along the coast of South Africa and the controlling influences of temperatures within coastal zones.

1 - The unique South African coastline

The intention of this blogs and future blogs are to show the approach and R scripts used to analyse the possible reasons for temperature variation between sites within the same cluster along the coast of South Africa and the controlling influences of temperatures within coastal zones.

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