Downloading NOAA bathy
Downloading the bathy data from NOAA, this is the mid-res bathymetry data and can be downloaded in R
Step 1: Set the lat and long coordinates for the region, example below:
# sa_lat <- c(-38, -24.5); sa_lon <- c(11.5, 35.5)
Step2: To download the data below:
# sa_bathy <- = sa_lon[1], lon2 = sa_lon[2], lat1 = sa_lat[1], lat2 = sa_lat[2], resolution = 4))
Step 3: Adding column names below:
# colnames(sa_bathy) <- c("lon", "lat", "depth")
# sa_bathy <- sa_bathy[sa_bathy$depth <= 0,]
Step 4: Saving the data example
# save(sa_bathy, file = "sa_bathy.RData")